Arenas & Courses

Savvy Acres

        "with Lightness comes Harmony"

We currently have sand in a 100x200-foot area, slowly will be adding more sand until the arena is 260-feet long.

There is sand in the 60 foot round pen.

Ground Pole/Rail course for walking, trotting

We have a large obstacle/trail courselaid out with several obstacles for you and your horse to play on. 

You can lead, send or ride your horse through:

  • Tire squeeze with a jump. 

  • Several sets of ground poles,

  • Bridge that teeter-totters while your horse learns how to stand in the center and lean back and forth. 

  • Cones for weaving. 

  • Sundial to help with lengthening and shortening your horses stride.

More obstacles being added on a regular basis.